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Artists create 'world's biggest mural' asthey cover a whole STREET of apartment blocks in imaginative designs


With its colourful depiction of trees, flowers, birds and animals, it'scertainly an unusual way to brighten up an otherwise drab block of flats.


And this vivid mural could well be thebiggest of its kind in the world, covering an impressive 20,000 square metresof Berlin wall.


Created by French company CitéCréation, the mural features birds, bears and evenimaginary residents interacting with the painted wildlife that adorns theWohngenossenschaft Soldaritaet Coop apartments in the German capital.


The impressive work, which the Lyon-based company describes as a trompe-l'oeil,or urban design, was inspired by a nearby zoo.


CitéCréation, which employs around 80artists at its offices worldwide, has created almost 600 'monumental frescoes'in cities across the globe.


Art enthusiasts can see creations by thefirm in Paris, Lisbon, Jerusalem, Yokohama and Quebic among other places.


Every type of building from municipal housing, derelict factories and even anoil refinery have been given a new lease of life by the team.


The company even has another beautifulcreation across Berlin - the Fresques Flower Tower makes another block of apartmentslook far more attractive than they might have done.


Employees hope that the fruits of their labour will find its way into therecord books - they have applied to the Guinness Book of World Records in thehope that their work might be recognised as the largest mural on an inhabitedbuilding on the planet.


The record for the world's largest outdoormural is currently held by the Pueblo Levee Project in Pueblo,Colorado.

世界上最大室外壁画的保持者是位于美国科罗拉州普韦布洛市的Pueblo Levee项目。

That mural has seen thousands of artistscontribute their work since the 1970s depicting everything from the History ofWomen to Andy Warhol replicas.

这幅壁画从上世纪70年代开始制作,数以千计的艺术家参与其中,内容无所不包,从《女性历史》到安迪 沃霍尔的复制品。

It costs nothing to add your own bit tothat mural and currently only recycled paint is allowed to be used.


美国科罗拉州普韦布洛市的Pueblo Levee项目


This well be a norm going by the rate ofdeforestation.The only memories we shall have about nature will be on paintingsand photos.Love the art though

- kenneth, Chililabombwe, 09/9/2013 05:52


Fantastic, it will give people pleasurewhen they leave their flats
- Aviator, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 09/9/2013 05:46


It looks like something that you would seein North Korea.
- Me ,London, 09/9/2013 05:09


I think it looks amazing, very very clever.The only downside is that the car park look extra dull now!!
- FatWord, Greatest Britain, 09/9/2013 04:43


"The Lyon-based company describes itswork as a trompe-l'oeil, or urban design" ---- Does DM not have access togoogle? "Trompe-l'¿il . . . French for deceive the eye . . . is an arttechnique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion thatdepicted objects exist in three dimensions." Wikipedia. "Urban designis the process of designing and shaping cities, towns and villages."Again, Wikipedia. Trompe-l'oeil and urban design arenot the same thing, DM!
- Teresa, Cape Town, 09/9/2013 04:37


So beautiful!!
- commenter8, London, United Kingdom, 09/9/2013 04:25


Cool, but wouldn't it get tiresome pickingup all the dead birds from the sidewalk after they fly into this?
- Randy, Calgary, Canada, 09/9/2013 04:00
